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Garlic 5000 Vitamisan

There are many therapeutic properties that have been attributed to the consumption of garlic, among them:

It is the best natural antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal.
It is also an excellent ally against infections.
It is an excellent depurative, helps eliminate toxins from the body and contributes to the formation and regeneration of the intestinal flora.
It improves blood circulation due to its anticoagulant power.
It lowers fever.
Reduces the level of fats in the blood, lowers the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) and protects the heart and arteries.
Strengthens the body’s defenses.
Normalizes high blood pressure levels, so it should be present in the diet of hypertensive patients.
Against atherosclerosis or hypertension.
A good alternative to avoid the smell of garlic, is to resort to the capsules or extracts in which it is commercialized.



Garlic 5000 Vitamisan

Garlic is very beneficial for our health and many of its benefits are highly recognized. Below, we are going to discover the main properties and benefits of garlic.

This information is for you to recognize why and the reasons to consume it on a daily basis.

Properties of garlic
Garlic is an ingredient that provides a large number of medicinal properties that are very interesting for our well-being. .

In fact, there are more than 2000 known active components present in garlic that help us to maintain a stronger and healthier organism.

Some of these components are the following:

  • Essential oils

  • Quercetin (flavonoid with anti-flu, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties)

  • Fructosans (ideal to reinforce our defenses)

  • Great variety of vitamins, especially C and B6.

  • Very healthy minerals such as calcium, manganese, potassium and phosphorus.

Thanks to its composition,  Garlic 5000 Vitamisan can help us to improve our health and strengthen our defenses and make us stronger and more protected against external agents.

Garlic reduces bad cholesterol
Bad cholesterol (LDL) can obstruct the walls of the arteries over the years, so it is essential to regulate it and lower its levels in our blood.
For this, garlic is a very powerful ingredient as it acts by regulating the levels and reducing the presence of LDL. In fact, in the United States, many citizens consume garlic extracts to balance cholesterol.

Pregnant or lactating women should consult their doctor before using this product.
Consult your doctor before using this product if you have any medical condition or if you are pregnant.
Disclaimer: This article is not recommending any product or ingredient or indicating that any product or ingredient can cure, prevent, or treat any disease. This article is not meant to diagnose any person or recommend a product that treats any ailment, discomfort, or disease. This article is not associating any ingredient or product to any cure or treatment.


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Garlic 5000 Vitamisan
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